Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September 29, 2014

I have always openly recognized that I am very spoiled, but it amazes me how I continue to realize more and more just how blessed I have been in my life.  Maurice's population is more poor in general than la reunion but often the people who are the most poor are the most generous and it is very humbling.  I love the branch here.  I had to laugh at myself this last week because I realized that my concept of time is way off and that quite frequently I have heinously high expectations for myself.  For example this past Saturday evening there was a dance at church for everyone and we were there because we had a lesson with someone and then we stayed to eat dinner and talk in the garden.  I had a very good time and as we were driving home I thought to myself "ahhh, finally I am starting to feel like I belong here." (like that I am starting to know the people and feel very comfortable around them) -then just after that thought it struck me that I had only been at Mauritius for 8 days......  I am glad that I grew up moving around a lot because it taught me how to make friends and become a part of things quickly:)  I am also grateful for all of the wonderful people here who have accepted me so openly and who enjoy all of my nonsense:)

I love the sunshine and always being warm:)  we are headed into the summer season now which will be exciting.  Things are going well with Soeur Berchel and I and I am grateful for the opportunity that the Lord gave me to be able to work with her again after having learned so much from/about her the first time around.  When you try to/come to understand someone it is amazing how smoothly things can go:) 

I love sharing the Gospel, and the love of Christ, and the good principles that people so desperately need.  The more I come to see how truly blessed I have been/am by the restored gospel the less hesitant I am to share it with others because I know that it is a good thing and that it helps people. 

I will try to share more stories next week but I am so tired that my brain feels fuzzy (like a tv that doesn’t work, you know with the black and white screen that sort of buzzes duly?) -anyways, forgive me for the lack of details and I wish everyone a fantastic week! 


Soeur Wilson

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