Monday, June 8, 2015

June 8, 2015--One Last Post 

Okay, so I am sitting in front of the computer screen and thinking to myself "Can it really be?  Am I really at the end of my mission?"  It does not feel like it.  As a missionary it is hard not to count the months and weeks, everyone knows exactly how many months they have until they go home, but now that it is here it does not feel real.  I just decided that I needed to do some groaning ;) and said to my companion Sister Liu "je vais avoir une crise cardiaque!" or "I am going to have a heart attack!" 

The members here were so sweet on Sunday.  I got lots of hugs and lots of nice words.  My last week was wonderful.  The work continued along, we had plenty of struggles and got to see lots of wonderful miracles:)  You will not believe how many things I lost at the end of my mission.  I think that God had been protecting me all along from one of my (I think it is actual a family) weakness(es), and that near the end I started to lose this power.  I lost a notebook that we keep all of the numbers of the people we meet in the street in.... then I lost my daily planner.... then my companion and I lost our phone driving one night we think it fell out of the car as she got out to help me turn around in the street.  Yep, so my last few days were sort of apostasy (sorry for those that will not understand this joke).  We took all of these losses as attempts from the adversary to discourage us, but we kept on enduring and ended up having lots of success for the week.

Eleven people who have been investigating were at church yesterday:)  There were two families, and lots of wonderful individuals.  One of the most cool things is an investigator named Jean Paul who will be getting baptized next Saturday.  We met him about a month ago, he is 26, works and is a musician at the hotels, and is super super nice.  When he started reading the Book of Mormon it was incredible how much he was touched and how much he has been learning.  He has been sharing with everyone that he knows and we have started teaching other members of his family and they were there this Sunday and had a great time.

I am excited to come home but yesterday it started to hit me that I will not be able to see these people that I have come to love so much for a long time.  Loving people is hard because during this life there are often moments when we have to say goodbye, but it is so worth it because it is not over and life becomes so much more profound when we get to know and love one another.  I have learned a lot of my mission.  Patience (and I have lots more to learn;) .  I have come to love even more studying the scriptures, what a great blessing!!!  God does not want us to not understand, he gave us a way to understand all of his plans for us and the reason for why we are here and how to succeed.  All we need is faith and a little effort.  I also learned how incredibly lucky I am to have the family I have and to have grown up with the Gospel.  I will keep sharing it because I know it is true and the path the happiness.  I know that Heavenly Father lives and loves us:)  I love you all and will see you soon!


Soeur Wilson

Monday, June 1, 2015

June 1, 2015

So I believed that this would be my last email, but it will actually be the second to last because next Monday I'll have the chance to email before leaving. 

So last Saturday there was a baptism:)  Her name is Eda and she is the sister of one of the members her in our branch.  She actually lives in France, in a tiny village in the country, and came back to Mauritius in March after the death of her husband.  While she was here (during two months) she came to church every Sunday with her brother.  We asked her if she would be interested to learn more and take the missionary discussions.  She said yes, and even though we knew she would be going back to France after not too long, we went for it with the lessons.  It was an incredible experience, because she is such a spiritual person.  As she started reading the Book of Mormon she was extremely touched by a person named Moroni (who was the last prophet to write in the Book of Mormon -and the angel who came back to in a vision to show Joseph Smith where the ancient records were hidden).  Her testimony began to grow, and before leaving back to France she had accepted the invitation to be baptized.  We got all of her contact information and sent it to the mission home in Madagascar to be transferred to France so that the missionaries could meet up with her over there and continue her lessons.  Unfortunately the information ended up not being transferred correctly, and after a few weeks I still had no news of if the missionaries had been able to get a hold of her.

In the meantime, one of the crazy back and forth transfers occurred, and I went back to St. Denis for two weeks.  On arriving back in Mauritius we had a missed call from a number out of the country.  When I called back it was Eda who had called me to tell me the great knews:D  In her little village she had managed to run into some members of the church who invited to come to church that Sunday and to give her a ride:D  She had been and someone contacted the missionaries for her and would be coming that week.  She has continued to learn and to grow her testimony right up until this past Saturday when she entered into the waters of baptism.  How beautiful!  She called me about once a week to tell me how it was going, and we got to talk the evening before her baptism.  She was so ready and so grateful for everyone who had helped her along the way.  It was a very touching story for me because of how much it all means to her.  She now has plans to be able to go to the temple next year to be sealed to her husband for time and all eternity:)  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so beautiful and brings so much comfort and joy.

We have three people preparing to be baptized here in June:)  It will be the week after I leave but I am so excited for them:)  One of the people is named Jean Paul.  He is 26 and has such an incredible testimony of the Restoration of the Church.  He taught a lesson with us last night to his younger sister and her boyfriend and the spirit and the love was so strong.

I only have one more week, what craziness.  It will be a great week whatever God has in store for us.  I really liked the lesson in Sunday school this past Sunday:)  It was about being grateful.  The more grateful we are the more blessed and happy we will be.  It is a choice to be grateful or not, but when we choose to be life becomes so much brighter.  Trials are great blessings because they help us to learn and grow; so may be always be grateful:)

I sang in sacrament meeting yesterday for mother’s day:)  also, when we tried to start the car in the morning we realized that we had left the light on all night and the battery was dead.  Everyone had a moment of panic because we needed to get to church on time, but then I remembered that I had learned how to push start the car:D  we pushed the car out of our driveway into the street and got it going again.  Super cool:) 

I hope that you all have a great week!


Sister Wilson