Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015

The first is a picture of Patricia and her two daughters whom we have been teaching for about five months now.  Patricia's sister (Soeur Avrilene) has been a member for years and Patricia knows that the Church is true and has started making huge changes in her life this past month.  It’s incredible to witness and the spirit is so strong in her home especially when she prayers.

The second is a picture of our investigator Jean. I am not sure if I already sent the picture... but it is of us at lunch last week and he had brought us strange fruits that you eat with salt and chili.  Fun fun.  Don't be fooled by the picture, he never smiles in pictures, but he is super nice and happy and one of the kindest people I’ve ever met.  He is also the person that I talked about in the email last week who got his testimony about the living prophet:)

The third is a beautiful family that we recently started teaching.  We met the dad while standing in a line at lunch time to get dalpouri (an Indian thing).  They are super friendly.  The dad believes in God but does not practice a religion (he was raised Indian) and the mom is Catholic but both are very open and there two boys are SO adorable:D   

This is another family that we are teaching which is super fun:) the main person we are teaching is Nathalie who is the mother of Richard one of the recent converts in the branche.  In the photo there is a sister who accompanied us and then all of Nathalie’s granddaughters and grandson:) 

This is a little boy named Adriano who is super precious and always runs up the street when he sees are car coming yelling "bann missionaires pou arrive!!!!" or in other words "the missionaries are coming!!!!" so so cute:)

The last is a picture of the members who stayed late after church last week for a lunch together.  This is something that often happens in LDS culture because the first Sunday of every month is a Sunday where the majority of the members fast (do not eat or drink) for 24 hours to consecrate ourselves more fully in prayer often for a specific reason (a question that we have or a need) and then we can offer the money we did not use to eat to help the poor or another such cause.  It was also the senior couples' last Sunday visiting our branche.  They go home this next Monday which is craziness!

Sister Thomas and I are headed back to reunion this Saturday and I believed that it was for good but our mission President was here this past weekend for a conference with us (the missionaries) and we found out that he and one of the general authorities (the member of the 70 for South Africa) and one other brother are coming back next week to have a meeting with the prime minister of Mauritius about missionary visas and hope to be sending sisters back very soon (from one week to three months they are sure).  So who knows how these next few months will work out or where I will be sent?  Only the Lord, and thank heavens that he knows because it is his work and everything is in his hands.  I have no more preference now of where I would like to be which is good because that means less disappointment and I can just appreciate each step as it comes.

I love teaching people and trying to help people and love them.  I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I hope that everyone will open up their hearts to it to be able to find the same peace that I have found.  Have a great week and love,
Soeur Wilson

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