November 24, 2014
What a week, what craziness, what sorrow, what happiness,
and what a wonderful experience these last two months have been. I have worked nonstop and I am tired but I am
also so happy:) We have seen so many
miracles and have so many beautiful and spiritual experiences. We have also had lots of hardships but I have
grown so much from them and it feels good:)
This past Saturday we had our three baptisms and wow what a
day. Our emotions have been running high
for some time, I think with all of the changes going on, especially because
Soeur Berchel is headed home for France tomorrow (she is finished with her mission)
and that is a crazy transition to make.
We had good lessons in the morning but we were far away from Rose Hill
and hit unexpected traffic coming back. The roads here are craziness and we had
a very scary moment on the way and were a little shaken. When we got to the church (with no time to
spare) we figured out there was a problem with Clency's baptismal record and
luckily we got that worked out last minute.
Kevin's Mom who had promised to come cancelled at the last minute and I
could have died when I saw the look on Kevin's face. Nathanielle's family didn’t come. Our investigator Steve who has been such a
joy to teach and who has been so happy and grateful to learn called us to say
that he can't come anymore because his companion told him to choose between her
and the church, and in the midst of all of this it is not surprising that there
were some tears shed. But that is okay,
the baptismal service started and there was a wonderful spirit there. As each of them entered the water I felt
tears of pride and gratitude come into my eyes, they were so beautiful. When they bore their testimonies afterwards I
don't think there was a person in that chapel who was not touched. The members have been coming up to us ever
since to say that it has been sooooo long since they felt the spirit like
This is not surprising to me because these three incredible
people (Nathanielle, Kevin, and Clency) made a lot of changes and a lot of
sacrifices to get to where they are today and they have solid testimonies of
the restored Gospel. I love them and I
love this work.
I am sad to say goodbye to Soeur Berchel. As I already said it has not always been easy
but it has been so worth it and there is not another missionary like her. Also, I am sad because I will also be leaving
Maurice tomorrow as it turns out. There
is not another Sister who has gotten a visa yet so it is back to la
Reunion. I will be in St. Denis for a
while which should be fun to have a new adventure, but I am worried by the
possibility that I won’t come back to Maurice.
Well, who knows, what is important is that it is the Lord's work and he
is guiding it so I don't need to worry--he will send me where I need to be.
I hope that you all have a wonderful week:)
Lots of love,
Soeur Wilson
Sr Berchel and I with Kevin Nathanielle and Clency the day of their baptism
Nathanielle and I
with Sr Berchel and Myself